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Articles by Hooves and Paws Pets

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Puppy Travel Essentials

September 28, 2023

The idea of traveling with your puppy is a dream, but let's be real – it's not all rainbows and tail wags. It's important to approach the journey with both enthusiasm and preparedness. Fear not, the caring staff at Hooves and Paws Pets have gathered helpful tips and tricks to ensure you and your puppy can enjoy your time on the open road.

A gray Pomeranian.

Puppy's Emotional Development

September 13, 2023

From the moment your puppy enters your home, they begin to form impressions about their environment, you, and their new family. During the first few weeks, your puppy's emotional development centers around building a sense of trust and security. Just like human infants, puppies rely on warmth, comfort, and consistency to establish a strong foundation.

A brown Cockapoo puppy.

Puppy Body Language 101

August 28, 2023

Puppies are experts in using their bodies to express emotions, needs, and even concerns. Grasping puppy body language is not just essential for fostering a strong bond but also holds a key role in ensuring their overall well-being and happiness. Understanding puppy body language is an essential skill for every pet owner. By becoming attuned to their non-verbal cues, pet parents can effectively communicate with their furry companions and address their needs promptly.

A dog wearing sunglasses with a yellow swim ring.

Summer Fun: Puppy Edition

August 07, 2023

As the temperature rises and the sun shines bright, it's important to ensure that your puppy stays cool and entertained during the hot summer months. Hot summer days don't have to be boring for your furry friend though. Summertime is a fantastic opportunity to spend quality time with your playful pup and create unforgettable memories together. The warm weather and longer days provide ample opportunities for outdoor activities.

A labrador retriever drinking water from a clear plastic bottle.

Hot Tips for Keeping Dogs Cool In Hot Weather

July 17, 2023

With summer comes outdoor adventures and some pretty toasty temperatures. It's important to make sure your pup is safe and comfortable when the temperatures rise, so both you and your canine companion can enjoy all the perks of the season. These tips will help you learn how to keep your pup cool all summer long.
